Since 2003, Madison Cares has worked with Families along the Shoreline throughout all the communities to assist Families in New Haven with a hand-up in achieving their dream, Home Ownership. In the process we have helped transformed Families and Communities. The obvious beneficiaries are the Families that occupy the homes we sponsor and help build, as well as the immediate neighborhood that is inspired by the hard work and passion of their new neighbors.
Less obvious are the lives we affect by connecting them with such a heart warming effort. These are our volunteers and supporters. When you meet our families and work side by side you are immediately rewarded by knowing you are helping someone very much like you, committed to family and community only needing a little boost to achieve their dream.
Help us, help our 9th family in 9 years by clicking the “Donate” button to the left and giving to Habitat for Humanity of Greater New Haven on behalf of Madison Cares. In the “This donation is in Memory/Honor of:” Box, please type “Madison Cares” in addition to any other notes.