Raise the Roof is dedicated to the elimination of poverty housing through CT Shoreline community participation that includes financial support, volunteer labor and leadership for Habitat For Humanity International builds.
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Raise the Roof is dedicated to the elimination of poverty housing through community participation that includes financial support, volunteer labor and leadership for local, national and global
Habitat for Humanity International builds.
Our Vision and Goals
Raise the Roof will provide a diverse and strong organization to grow and sustain our Shoreline involvement.
Raise the Roof will work to inform and encourage interaction among individuals, businesses, professional organizations, civic groups, educational institutions and faith-based communities to support our mission.
Raise the Roof will educate and train other communities to initiate and sustain similar “Community Cares” programs.
Facts about Habitat for Humanity
On Nov. 6, 2013, Habitat celebrated its 800,000th house built, rehabilitated and repaired. The milestone was marked as Habitat announced that — for the first time in the organization’s history — more than 100,000 families had been served in a single fiscal year.
In this area, families apply to Greater New Haven Habitat to be considered for Habitat homes and are chosen on the basis of need, ability to repay their no-interest mortgage and willingness to become partners in the program.
Partner families invest sweat equity by helping to build the homes they buy.
Habitat sells these homes at no profit to the low-income partner families. Their mortgage payments help to support Habitat homes for additional partner families.
Habitat International is overseen by an ecumenical, international volunteer board of directors. At the local level, Habitat is managed by independent volunteer boards.
Habitat is not a government organization but does work with local governments who often help to provide land and other resources. The City of New Haven has been an ongoing partner in providing lots for construction.