Donate a "House Part"

  • Help answer a family’s dream to own a home by donating a “house part”. Choose from levels of giving that represent some of the parts needed to build a house. Your donation will go toward building our Habitat for Humanity house. Click here to donate.

    Front porch – $1,000

    …a place to gather with family and friends to watch the neighborhood blossom in spring…

    Front door – $500

    …the entrance into the world of a new Habitat family, filled with love and the commitment to make a house a home…

    Kitchen Cabinets – $300

    …they hold the treasures from which I create magic—to touch, to smell, to taste…

    Interior door – $150

    …the passageway to my joyous space, where I whisper secrets to my friends…

    Window – $125

    …a place where the sun enters our house and illuminates the shapes and colors of our lives…

    Floor Tile – $75

    …the cool, smooth surface that wakes my toes when I walk barefoot in the morning…

    Bath Fixture – $50

    …a bright and shining object that reflects the sunbeams in our little room…

    Doorknob – $25

    …the golden sphere I rotate in my hand to reveal the wonders of another room…

    Click here to purchase your gift.