2024 Gala Voting

  • Meet Our Dancing Stars in Order of Gala Night Performance

  • Click on a dance couple below to be taken to their fundraising page. You can “vote” and support their efforts by credit card, Venmo, or PayPal. When your transaction is complete, your thank you message will have a link for returning to this page.

  • The scores of the gala night dance judges will determine the winners of trophies for best dance performance and runners’ up, but the grand prize of Shoreline Stars will be chosen by the public. The stars are competing for your “votes” (dollars = votes) and their dancing is raising funds for future Raise the Roof sponsored Habitat houses…helping families build and own homes. The dancing couple that receives the most “votes” from the public will win the grand-prize Shoreline Stars trophy! Voting opened in September across the dancers’ fundraising pages, and voting will remain open through the gala dance performances. “Vote” for as many dancers as you’d like. Your votes are applause and appreciation for their big-hearted dance moves, and, most importantly, your voting for families to build homes.